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Changes in key resources

Support 44
! #387888   2020-01-20 21:26
Changes in key resources. Instead of crystals of different colors introduces a single crystal with a high probability of.
you can Get it also with the free recipe from the old crystals.
#of novolisina #Kraft

Curta + 7     35
anikina 54  2020-01-20 21:27 + 2
I did just that catch
anikina 54  2020-01-20 21:31 + 1
Red, green and blue crystals that are now craftivity items?
lesly 46 Solver Rank  2020-01-20 21:34 + 3
The filter for guaranteed online <Crystal> gives 0 results.
14gul 47 Solver Rank  2020-01-20 21:45 + 4
And the former crystals was gratuitously and without warning expropriatory? Quite unexpected and very sad, someone they have accumulated and bought. Unfair....
t98743235 52 Solver Rank  2020-01-20 21:46 + 5
just Like today wanted potions to do it, not in the form of achievements, but because for the other one. And here you are - some new crystals have to do... and Here's why durakskovoroda
I understand that this is only the beginning. It is now again part of the recipes collected by overwork, down the drain? Because we decide something to improve.
But can we in advance, at least for a week (not all go every day to the site) to prevent - where everything will change
I think some time should be left parallel to the old recipes to take advantage of the already collected resources, at least partially. And as snow on the head.
Support 44  2020-01-20 21:48 + 2
"were craftivity objects?"

transferred temporarily into the category of craft Breweries in the top of the list to the inventory in sight. in the future, when their hands almost does not remain, and will be close to the development of existing businesses, they will be removed from the system.
Tane4ka 48 Solver Rank  2020-01-20 21:52 + 2
What about colored potions? and with recipes, which includes one of the crystals? potions?
t98743235 52 Solver Rank  2020-01-20 21:53 + 4
14gul 47 Solver Rank  2020-01-20 21:55 + 5
But the former crystals are only used for the formation of new. It is unclear whether they will fall further or not... apparently not... Then to form new crystals I can use the smallest amount of one of the old. What to do with the other two, left them predostatochno number, and one out of three is missing...
Support 44  2020-01-20 22:00 + 2
"what would you do with colored potions"

" again, part of the recipes down the drain"

"it is Unclear whether they will fall out"

a "the former crystals expropriatory"

you start by looking in the encyclopedia and the inventory and the questions will disappear.
14gul 47 Solver Rank  2020-01-20 22:08 + 5
But the old crystals can be ispolzovany only to create new ones. They are no longer used in other recipes. And get them is also not possible, as new. Their effect is limited. To get the new crystal need equal amounts of three old crystals. Of course everyone has their number early. What to do with the other two in the case of the end of one of the three?
14gul 47 Solver Rank  2020-01-20 22:14 + 5
Or even simpler - I have 600 blue crystals, 540 - red. Green no longer. tell me what recipes I can use blue and red crystals?
t98743235 52 Solver Rank  2020-01-20 22:16 + 2
Quickly sell off excess and(or) buy the right.
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2020-01-20 22:16 + 4
Begin for the transfer of the colored crystals in the crystalpodmig the Number of small red crystals will be extra just over 100 pieces,it is a pity to lose them ( to earn an honest living ),but as they say-C'est La vie !podmig everything flows,Everything changesgoodpodmig
lesly 46 Solver Rank  2020-01-20 22:19 + 2
Sell the excess, or, conversely, not buy. wink
t98743235 52 Solver Rank  2020-01-20 22:19 + 4
Support, You are our dear!
What's that, a rustle You know how to bring...
t98743235 52 Solver Rank  2020-01-20 22:26 + 2
By the way, dear Support and other key resources You the same plan in the future to do??!
something to confuse you? And as it will be called?
14gul 47 Solver Rank  2020-01-20 22:31 + 4
Why is the cost of a new crystal just 2 units, when it should cost 6? For the month of so much loss.... You can't take anything bezvozmezdno....
Support 44  2020-01-20 22:31 + 3
Yet. In the near future for sure.
the Demand for crystals was very low, they are poorly involved in the recipe, price and the probability of a very much rolled, and various half-measures didn't help, had to resort to the radical option. In addition, in many recipes they were right all along.
14gul 47 Solver Rank  2020-01-20 22:32 + 2
This is good if there is something to buy, and if not what is?
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2020-01-20 22:37 + 4
Quickly run to the market,bought green and blue crystals 1 coin from the Crisis of the Bot and voila--a scattering of single crystals in the housediamonddiamonddiamond Hamster sits-- happy playing!!!goodpodmig And I'm glad nothing was missing!!!goodpodmigporukamvverhaplod
today 50 Solver Rank  2020-01-20 22:45 + 3
Well! Love this site for its refreshing unpredictability
Lysva 44  2020-01-20 23:05 + 3
"Various half-measures didn't help, had to resort to the radical option."
an Excellent and interesting solution.
1. The old crystals are not canceled, just brought them from the list of core resources to craft items.
2. Companies continue to work
3. To buy old crystals as possible for 1 coin freely (about 20 thousand bot) and sell for the same 1 coin (who decided to get rid of)
4. No loss, neither in coins nor by the number of "expropriated" - even.
5. A new task gives the possibility of new settlements, there will be changes in recipes, and "is an invigorating unpredictability" - something interesting.
yarus 49 Solver Rank  2020-01-20 23:10 + 3
Remains 3700 blue, 2000 red crystals. Where are they now? To make them need to solve a thousand puzzles , and if
use boosters. Another seizure of your hard-earned coins.
Lysva 44  2020-01-20 23:14 + 3
"Remains 3700 blue, 2000 red crystals. Where are they now? To make them need to solve a thousand puzzles , and if you use boosters. Another seizure of your hard-earned coins."

In any case, You hardly would have sold more of 1 coins. Put for sale for 1 coin, move in the crystal, acquiring 1 coin bot, leave it as is and see what will happen with the price of colored crystals
Support 44  2020-01-20 23:16 + 2
"Where now?"

to Put up for sale, now disperse with great speed.
In General, the system balances them, users about the same.
Lysva 44  2020-01-20 23:56 + 1
Will there be a new kristallographie enterprise?
tetra 45 Solver Rank  2020-01-21 00:14 + 7
Lysva: 2. Предприятия продолжают работать
4. Никаких потерь ни по монетам, ни по количеству "экспроприированного" - остались при своих.

Да ну? Правда, что ли? Давайте на пальцах посчитаем.
Допустим, у кого-то есть пещеры, выпускающие кристаллы всех трех цветов, по 150 штук в день каждого цвета. За счет произведенной за день продукции он мог раньше активировать 150/25=6 рецептов синего зелья, столько же зеленого и красного, в каждом рецепте по 10 пузырьков зелья, итого за день он получал 3х6х10=180 пузырьков зелья всех цветов.
А что теперь? Он берет свои 450 кристаллов и может сделать из них только 150 универсальных кристаллов (на каждый новый расходуется 3 старых). И делает из них сначала синее зелье: 150/25х10=60, ура, получилось 60 пузырьков синего зелья, всё как раньше! А теперь делаем красные и зеленые! Ой... А на них кристаллов уже не осталось.
И при этом, заметьте, предприятия жрут ресурсов, всяких ОПП с профилактиками, не меньше прежнего (профилактик даже вдвое больше, это отдельная подкрутка, а на рецепты ОПП раскручен искусственный дефицит и вздуты цены), а продукции по факту выпускают в три раза меньше. Это означает возрастание себестоимости продукции в те же три раза. А Лысьва нам и говорит: продавайте их по 1 монете, ничего не потеряете!
Вот такие пироги...
pushinka24 50  2020-01-21 00:41 + 3
Very cute Crystal! It's obvious: the website GrandGames lives! Everything flows, everything changes! I like everything new))
mvt222 52 Solver Rank  2020-01-21 06:20 + 3
Loss is obvious. For example, the BM was worth 30 (10+10+10) crystals, and is now worth 30 new crystal, which is 30+30+30 old crystals. Equivalent course :). In other recipes apparently similar situation.
Lena2020 48  2020-01-21 06:37 + 7
And I'm on my foolishness lost EVERYTHING and as you can see are alive, healthy, PAH-PAH, and even cheerful and the way to lose me is nothing special, then I relaxed toopodmig
But seriously, this case showed me that these losses are not fatal and you can earn it all again!
happy holidays to everyone, happiness to all, love and more hugs)))
nettaly 52  2020-01-21 11:43 + 6
"this loss is not fatal"

tetra 45 Solver Rank  2020-01-21 12:59 + 3
Lena, You are, of course, well done, E. Anikina, too, but how much time and effort You have to put that back up again? And then You will again substitute the bandwagon to let in the third round. Still noticeable that every innovation regulates the system in the direction of turning the player into a squirrel in a wheel. She runs off, only to remain in the same place. And the same level.
mvt222 52 Solver Rank  2020-01-21 13:01 + 2
Of course, any losses in free (as in any other) game is not fatal. Just do not say that the loss does not. :)
_gst6907763 46  2020-01-21 14:03 + 4
насчёт потерь
когда я шла на достижение Мастер зелий, и в январе подняли цены на ресурсы до 2 монет, мне оставалось накопить ещё 5000 кристаллов из 25000,
ну вот думаю, теперь всё будет в 2 раза дольше и пошла смотреть, чем стали выгодней пакеты монет

Оказалось, что за тот же набор ингредиентов мы получаем теперь 2 пакета, а не один.
В результате, я не только не потеряла во времени, но даже раньше закончила, потому что, чтобы купить за 1 монету конкурентов было много, а за 2 народ не спешил покупать, так что мои предложения закрылись быстро.

Вчера купила 2 рецепта на пакеты монет, и теперь там уже 3 пакета по 3000, а в ингредиентах только взрывчатка с 10 до 15 штук изменилась, так что я сразу и скрафтила один рецепт, пока такая лафа с ингредиентами.

Смотрите на вещи шире, где-то убавилось, но где-то прибавилось, пользуйтесь всеми возможностями крафта.

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