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Registrado: 2019-04-18 17:55
Última entrada: 2025-03-06 22:22   39 34.3%  

Prêmios (17)

Liga Avançada
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /chinapics/id361126   2024-07-17 16:06

bad puzzle lower left area numbers break rules to complete rows

Curta + 0     1
mkgames 39 Solver Rank  2024-07-17 16:06 + 1

Never mind, I missed the 2 different shades of blackwall

mkgames 39 Solver Rank
I agree that without the description it could be any of the above

Curta + 3     1
Anônimo  2023-01-23 13:11 + 1
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /nonograms/picross/svinka_7   2021-05-13 06:57
Weird colors for a pig

Curta + 3     1
Lena2020 48  2021-05-13 06:57 + 2
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /nonograms/picross/tsiplenok_9   2021-05-13 05:43

Curta + 3     1
Lena2020 48  2021-05-13 05:43 + 1
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /achievements/povelitel2   2021-04-21 21:22
Yeah finally got this one robin

Curta + 4     1
Lena2020 48  2021-04-21 21:22 + 2
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /filipuzzles/id223841   2021-01-08 20:22
Broken puzzle: cant sеlect any "ten" cell to start the chain.

Curta + 1     10
Lena2020 48  2021-01-08 17:04 + 2
У меня решилась
mkgames 39 Solver Rank  2021-01-08 20:07 + 1
@Lena2020 was your solution showing "10" or "ten" in the cells? I have been having issues with numbers displaying as text instead of the number itself,
Mostrar todos os comentários
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /forum/temy/12   2021-01-08 20:02
Are other players having issues with numeric puzzles where the number 1 or 9 are being displayed as text "one" and "nine"? This is causing an issue in Philipino Puzzles where you cant sеlect a "nine" cell to start a chain to the other "nine" cell. I also noticed it is affecting Sudoku puzzles where it does not highlight all the "one" cells or the "nine" cells when you click on one already in the puzzle.

Curta + 1     3
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2021-01-08 17:41 + 3
Я ничего не поняла , помогите @Support
_gst6907763 46 Solver Rank  2021-01-08 17:59 + 2
"Есть ли у других игроков проблемы с числовыми головоломками, в которых числа 1 или 9 отображаются в виде текста «один» и «девять»? Это вызывает проблему в Philipino Puzzles, когда вы не можете выбрать ячейку «девять», чтобы начать цепочку к другой ячейке «девять». Я также заметил, что это влияет на головоломки Судоку, где не выделяются все ячейки «один» или «девять», когда вы нажимаете на одну из них уже в головоломке."

Я поняла так, что числа в ячейках пишутся не цифрами, а текстом, из-за этого не решается.
У меня такого бага не было, всегда цифры были.

@mkgames, какое устройство и браузер вы используете для игры?/what device and browser do you use to play?
mkgames 39 Solver Rank  2021-01-08 20:02 + 2
Win10 Pc with Chrome
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /fragment/id95514   2020-02-27 21:43
Solution done, but check shows incomplete

Curta + 1     1
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2020-02-27 21:43 + 2
Could you please attach a screenshot of the page that says the solution is incomplete?
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /fragment/id76295   2020-02-27 18:04
Solution done, but check shows incomplete

Curta + 2     2
Lena2020 48  2020-02-27 17:59 + 3
If you decide correctly, the puzzle is automatically closed and you do not need to make a check
Lena2020 48  2020-02-27 18:04 + 3
If you click on the fragments at the bottom correctly, the same fragment appears in the image at the top.The goal of the game is to close the entire image with the correct fragments
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /achievements/pioneer1   2020-01-15 16:56
I can't seem to gain any completion %. What is meant by "according to the decision date"?

Curta + 2     3
Support 44  2020-01-15 16:41 + 2
All actions associated with the achievement (registration in tournaments, creating something, solving puzzles, crafting actions, etc.) must be performed only after you click the start execution button achievement, unless otherwise specified in the description of the specific achievement.
mkgames 39 Solver Rank  2020-01-15 16:49 + 2
I have solved numerous puzzles over past few days but still get no completion %. So again I ask what is meant by 1st, 2nd,or 3rd "according to the decision date".
Support 44  2020-01-15 16:56 + 3
If no one solved the puzzle before you, you will be 1. If one person solved - you will be the second. If two - the third. The speed of the solution does not matter.
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
I've never seen yellow cherries before

Curta + 2     2
l-master 32  2019-11-28 16:52 + 3
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank  2019-11-28 17:30 + 4
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /missions/sprint_po_vernisazhu   2019-11-08 13:02
I found it relaxing

Curta + 3     1
nettaly 52  2019-11-08 13:02 + 2
Thank you for the feedback :)
What about fishing?
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
Beautifully done, kudos to author

Curta + 1     1
anikina 54  2019-10-07 20:25 + 0
Thank you!!! good
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /achievements/universal   2019-10-03 21:02
I think it is broken, no matter what I do it is stuck on 91.7% have tried more than 12 different types and nothing works past this. I even tracked each type that worked by checking the % after each successful completed puzzled to know when I finished a puzzle type.

Curta + 1     3
Memo 45  2019-10-03 20:38 + 0
This achievement use only 12 types of puzzles, where you will solve more puzzles. If you solve more then 12 different types of puzzle it will not make influense on this achievement.
mkgames 39 Solver Rank  2019-10-03 20:58 + 0
I understand that only 12 types will count and that 20 need to be done for each type, but i have done each type one at a time until the % stops going up. then moved on to another type. I have 11 types that did give a % and then stopped so those should be done. I can't find a 12th type to start working on since no new types add any %.
mkgames 39 Solver Rank  2019-10-03 21:02 + 0
I would be most helpful if there were a list of what types count and which ones do not; or even better a check list of what types and how many of each have been counted.
mkgames 39 Solver Rank

Curta + 1     1
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2019-09-19 15:58 + 0
Thank yougoodrosesolnce
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
Quite good for small pic

Curta + 2     1
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2019-09-15 23:13 + 1
Thank yougoodrosesolnce
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
Well depicted

Curta + 1     1
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2019-09-15 23:03 + 0
Thank you so muchgoodrosesolnce
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /nonograms/picross/loshad_23   2019-08-12 17:10
Excellent horse, nice work author

Curta + 2     1
Lena2020 48  2019-08-12 17:10 + 0
Thank you very muchrose
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /nonograms/picross/mini_zayats   2019-08-01 21:24
Not bad for such a small pic

Curta + 1     1
kateLit 23  2019-08-01 21:24 + 0
I think it's real cool too for this size.
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
very nice fish

Curta + 1     1
anikina 54  2019-06-27 20:18 + 1
cvety cvety cvety
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /nonograms/picross/traktor_13   2019-06-25 21:38
nice work author

Curta + 1     1
Lena2020 48  2019-06-25 21:38 + 1
thanks, have a nice daycvety
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /nonograms/picross/koza_2   2019-06-13 20:19
Well done Goat

Curta + 2     1
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2019-06-13 20:19 + 0
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
designated smoking are sign is well done by the author

Curta + 1     1
1Shahmatist 41 Solver Rank  2019-05-23 22:09 + 0
Главное, чтобы на здоровье! wink
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /nonograms/picross/gusenitsa_1   2019-05-23 16:32
very nice crossword

Curta + 1     1
anikina 54  2019-05-23 16:32 + 0
rose rose rose
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /nonograms/picross/rot_i_k   2019-05-21 19:11

Curta + 2     1
1Shahmatist 41 Solver Rank  2019-05-21 19:11 + 1
Интересная версия ответа. Но в данном случае, необходимо оперировать русскими словами.
К + рот = Крот
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
Nice pic, respect to author

Curta + 1     1
Lena2020 48  2019-05-20 18:59 + 0
I am very pleased thank yourose
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
Genie lamp at first, but I see the teapot as well

Curta + 1     1
anikina 54  2019-05-17 15:10 + 0
rose rose rose
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /nonograms/picross/ptitsa_21   2019-05-17 11:00
Spoilers from 1Shahmatist make more sense

Curta + 1     1
1Shahmatist 41 Solver Rank  2019-05-17 11:00 + 2
Название японского кроссворда, не всегда передаёт смысл задуманного рисунка. В особенности, когда рисунок очень мал. Но автор вправе сам выбирать название, которое ему кажется оптимально подходит и передаёт главный смысл, или по крайней мере подталкивает на понимание рисунка. Вот здесь и наступает право разгадывающего додуматься, включая своё воображение и наблюдательность. И в этом, мне кажется, один их смыслов разгадывания такого вида головоломок. acute
mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /missions/vosem_drakonov   2019-05-15 20:23

Curta + 2     1
nettaly 52  2019-05-15 20:23 + 1
Landscapes in jigsaw puzzles:

mkgames 39 Solver Rank
! /missions/zazhigaem_legko   2019-05-15 20:09
very easy, good mission for beginners

Curta + 2     1
nettaly 52  2019-05-15 20:09 + 1
Thank you :)
This mission is devoted to simple mahjong:
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