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Torneio #3566 «Sudoku Sunday Battle»

Воскресный плей-офф турнир по судоку 9x9
Hora do servidor: 2025-03-19 21:46
TorneioFundo de prêmiosClassificação Início das inscrições Início do torneioPasseioContribuiçãoMinutos para passeio Membros
#3566 Sudoku Sudoku Sunday Battleplayoff Fundo de prêmios10   +3  1590<R21.03 08:5522.03 16:00 3/327 (8)5 / 8

Jogos ativos

Percy Online Solver Rank
2020-03-22 15:45
Is today the tournament will be held!? Even I was admitted to registration zuby

Curta + 3     1
AliciaLial Solver Rank  2020-03-22 16:29 + 2
Rating has changed in the last tournament at my request, but he still did not take place obida So today I tried the ribbon campaign wink
Percy Online Solver Rank
2020-03-22 16:49
Rather strange happened in the tournament. 19 min for the first round left, 22 on the second, the third looks like even @katerinafm did not succumb...

Curta + 3     1
AliciaLial Solver Rank  2020-03-22 17:58 + 3
The main thing that has held podmig:
Percy Online Solver Rank
2020-03-22 16:51
@katerinafm and @nnn, congratulations! vinnerporukamcvety

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