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Torneio #26305 «Epic Graphics Battle»

Hora do servidor: 2025-03-24 21:46
TorneioFundo de prêmiosClassificação Início das inscrições Início do torneioPasseioContribuiçãoMinutos para passeio Membros
#26305 Quebra-cabeças gráficos Epic Graphics Battleplayoff Fundo de prêmios2K   +30  1000<R29.12 11:4230.12 11:42 4/41420 (1440)11 / 16

Jogos ativos

milutin03 Online Solver Rank
2025-01-03 13:20

Recently Alex posted this:

"Вот так называется, победил в турнире: соперники просто сдали мне игры. Интересно, были такие случаи раньше."

I was second finalist, and I explained why I miss final. I am sure that I don't have to explain this time. (Anyway I forgot this time as well)

I am participant in almost all weekly tournaments so main reason is because this task was deeply hidden in other 60-70 puzzles I need to solve until some deadline.

I think that @Admin can bettered this list of ACTIVE GAMES just to sort it in some order that game with shortest deadline be on top of the list of Active games.

Every ordinal weekly marathon I collect several zeroes from the same reason. I miss deadline for a task.

Curta + 7     1
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2025-01-03 18:42 + 1

@milutin03 you're right, it's quite easy to get lost in the active games list(

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