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Torneio #2427 «PlayOff Test 2»

Тестовый турнир. Мини полимино-пазлы.
Hora do servidor: 2025-03-27 06:43
TorneioFundo de prêmiosClassificação Início das inscrições Início do torneioPasseioContribuiçãoMinutos para passeio Membros
#2427 Quebra-cabeças poliomino PlayOff Test 2playoff Fundo de prêmios9   +3 ∞ R31.01 17:1031.01 17:20 3/315 (6)8 / 8

Jogos ativos

2020-01-31 17:09
Attempt number 2. 8 people. It starts in 10 min.

Curta + 3     4
Memo  2020-01-31 17:20 + 2
Memo  2020-01-31 17:22 + 2
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_gst6907763 Solver Rank
2020-01-31 17:17
and all of the tournament table is shaking or just me?

Curta + 2     6
Lena2020  2020-01-31 17:27 + 3
I is shaking in the window of assessment
LenaNSolon  2020-01-31 17:28 + 3
I sometimes tremble Klondike solitaire, when the scale is 90%, and everything is in order.
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bear08 Solver Rank
2020-01-31 17:36
Follow the first-aid kit. It seems to me that it moves only between the green players

Curta + 4     3
bear08 Solver Rank  2020-01-31 17:37 + 3
Or is it meant to be?
olenenok Solver Rank  2020-01-31 17:37 + 3
ignat most likely conceived
Memo  2020-01-31 17:40 + 3
the subject can catch anyone in the coin fell (see diagram). in the playoffs it's always 4 people.
! #391570   2020-01-31 17:39
Like with the game all is well, the small nuances of the interface, tweak later (links that scroll on the touchscreen). In the evening another tournament: https://en.grandgames.net/tournaments/2426

Curta + 4     10
olenenok Solver Rank  2020-01-31 17:41 + 1
I've ran , but you have to wait 17.54
Support  2020-01-31 17:42 + 5
A little bonus for participants and observers (20 packs of 50 coins)
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