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How to get at least a bronze rank solver

Bogdan1101 39
2020-03-13 19:44
How to get at least a bronze rank solver

Curta + 2     12
Lena2020 48  2020-03-13 19:53 + 3
need to become the best at something, I realized, although I may be wrong
Acceleration 34  2020-03-13 20:19 + 3
In my opinion, the ranking of solvers over the year need to reach a certain place. To solve anything, the main thing to decide. 1300 and above - bronze, 700 - silver, 300 gold, 100 and above - platinum. The system will give you a rating after a certain time, just need to wait and work out more. Updating every 10 days.
NATAKAPA 55 Solver Rank  2020-03-13 20:46 + 1
Site Rank – глобальный показатель активности игрока на нашем сайте.
Минимальное значение Site Rank – 0, максимальное – 49. С каждым новым уровнем перейти на новый становится все сложнее (на каждом уровне активность должна быть выше примерно на 20%). С помощью строки прогресса в личном кабинете показывается статус прохождения текущего уровня. Пересчитывается раз в сутки.

При расчете SiteRank учитываются:
* Наличие подтвержденного e-mail адреса
* Добавленные в каталог пазлы и японские кроссворды;
* Созданные миссии;
* Набранные очки в турнирах;
* Рейтинг ЭЛО в настольных играх;
* Все решенные головоломки;
* Пройденные миссии и достижения;
* Активированные стикеры;
* Посты и комментарии;
sht 46 Solver Rank  2020-03-13 21:10 + 3
"* a confirmed e-mail addresses"
Today on the website I was forbidden to put the huskies due to the lack of e-mail addresses. Well, I do not use email! And to make a one-time e-mail don't see the point! I have them about five or six! And all the passwords are forgotten. (Multiple sclerosis is not a joke!) Can someone explain to me what's the point of a confirmed address?
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2020-03-13 21:20 + 4
As far as I know, without a confirmed email user can create as many twinks and using them is not fair to cheat my rating, I join other users to cheat in games and tournaments, etc.
Lena2020 48  2020-03-13 21:23 + 5
And if from password forget, that's where You're sending it over? I when a year ago the site came back could not remember my password, my e-mail the admin sent me, I went to the site.
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2020-03-13 21:24 + 3
@sht, I in any case not about you, I remembered the war of trolls on one website where one user could have hundreds of twinks. In the end the moderators tired of this thing, and comment was possible only with a confirmed accompaniment
sht 46 Solver Rank  2020-03-13 22:15 + 3
@Lena2020, password from the website-it is sacred! @GingerMartian, and with a confirmed email so naughty it doesn't work? And, sorry, I like the kettle it is unclear what it means -- to whittle Twinkie.star
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2020-03-13 22:25 + 5
Twink - second/third/nth account is the same user :)
" with a confirmed email so naughty will not work"

of Course, if you have several mailboxes, it is theoretically possible.But I'm talking about cases where the rivet 50, 100, 200 accounts - practically creating an army of bots. To create an email for each would be problematic) And with it - a Horde, which can cause a lot of harm to the site. Naturally, they can be banned, but on catching each will take time
sht 46 Solver Rank  2020-03-13 22:39 + 5
@GingerMartian, thanks for the clarification, wanted to put Laika, Yes, alas, had suddenly discovered that I'm not allowed!slezy
matuschka 40  2020-03-13 22:45 + 3
@sht, I'm so sorry! Allow me to like GingerMartian instead of You (only in this things)!
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2020-03-13 22:49 + 4
:) @sht, not for that)
@matushka, thank you rose
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