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Beautiful! Thanks for the puzzle

kochuballa Online 30 Solver Rank
! #393989   2020-02-08 04:40
Beautiful! Thanks for the puzzle. Sorry, but I think that it is a branch of viburnum.roseroseroserose

Curta + 6     10
nata8vas3 48 Solver Rank  2020-02-08 05:01 + 4
Please! Maybe Kalina good
Vovka 32  2020-02-08 05:09 + 4
Clearly Kalina! A prickly fruit, in my opinion, chestnutsolnce
nata8vas3 48 Solver Rank  2020-02-08 05:12 + 4
Fixed and chestnut the description says. @Vovka, thank you!
Vovka 32  2020-02-08 05:31 + 4
Вот нельзя мне доверятьacute даже если говорю "однозначно".
У калины нет чашечки вверху плода

Эта ягодка скорее похожа на "боярышник", у него эта чашечка есть

А что там раньше было, в описании?
nata8vas3 48 Solver Rank  2020-02-08 06:16 + 3
Sooner was the Rowan. I thought about the hawthorn.
Vovka 32  2020-02-08 06:29 + 4
The Rowan leaves others.
Sorry, confused Yougood I'm so sorry! Nothing, I will be punished, will remain without sweet:ignat
I have when the puzzle was assembled, I noticed these unfortunate Cupgood actually, in my opinion, no matter what the berry, the main thing that was beautiful!rose
nata8vas3 48 Solver Rank  2020-02-08 06:41 + 4
From Aronia leaves are also not the same as regular ash. In General, I agree with the last statement: "that was nice!" podmig
And to punish and deny yourself something don't need acute
nata8vas3 48 Solver Rank  2020-02-08 06:50 + 3
Dear Satovcha, can anyone else give my opinion about this berry?good
_gst6907763 46 Solver Rank  2020-02-08 12:53 + 4
not viburnum, viburnum have leaves lobed
perhaps hawthorn, although in the photo, which showed @Vovka, the hawthorn has leaves with more sharp teeth than a puzzle what
nata8vas3 48 Solver Rank  2020-02-08 16:04 + 1
Thank you, @_gst6907763 rose
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