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For the New Year I will throw all the trash...

Kbcrf Online 48 Solver Rank
! #379444   2019-12-21 16:48
For the New Year I will throw all the trash...
And wipe the dust wherever heritage...
Only in my head constantly mess...
There are cockroaches ... tree outfit...

Curta + 12     8
nettaly 52  2019-12-22 23:07 + 5
What cultural zhivotinku, to think! bozhe
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2019-12-22 23:15 + 5
Sorry to see You obrashaus,we ourselves are not local (they come in large numbers,understand the same ),do not tell me where these Cockroaches you can get?goodpodmig
And the snow is mute and the mood has not Christmas may be like him...to fall asleep?whatkrutougar
nettaly 52  2019-12-22 23:36 + 5
Oh, I see, not only I do not have that 100% NG-mood. kofetort
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2019-12-22 23:38 + 4
ignat speaking of snow , yesterday on our website advertising seen snow sell.
nettaly 52  2019-12-22 23:42 + 4
Foam and foam? shocking
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank  2019-12-22 23:52 + 5
we should take an example. we have snow only on the top of one mountain, I'm ashamed to call her, but the words of a song can not erase, the Hermon is calledcrazy
so we truncated the same, there is snow or not. the main from 31st to 13thugarugar
the school of my grandson almost 90% of the students from Russian-speaking families. so in 6 KL teacher assigned a test at 1 JANUARYskovoroda
so all the parents expressed their FI. had the poor fellow to transfer control to another date.
so our cockroaches always with us
Tverianka 49 Solver Rank  2019-12-23 00:08 + 5
Oh I can once again about the snow I will sayhahahaha we have so much fun there - the budget money for the warsstarsnowsnowsnow
the mountain snow brought to the southern towns afroeurasia children delight. nasypat the mountain and all the kids happy
if we ourselves do not raise our mood - no cockroaches will not help
in Muslim store Christmas
nettaly 52  2019-12-23 00:15 + 4
"the Hermon is called"

to Paraphrase Verka Serduchka, "what a good name for a mountain!" :ignat

thank you for the fun info! vverh
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