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Today is a HOLIDAY from ME !

SDFGHJ Online 50 Solver Rank
! #374423   2019-12-04 22:28
Today is a HOLIDAY from ME !!!goodkruto
I " LORD "!!!goodpodmig
Not to solve Everything I knew howwhat
But the PRIZE was Enticing !!!vverhkruto
Managed, Managed and Passed !podmig
Gifts of the Sea Foundtrophycurrency
And in the Day of Arms in the World Everybody !!!goodkiss
I'm going to Cuddle with " Master" !!!goodhaha

THANKS for the ACHIEVEMENTgoodporukamvverhaplod And learned a New to solve and the REWARD is GREAT !!!goodhahaporukamkrutoaplodroseroserosesolnceded

Curta + 5     9
anikina 54  2019-12-04 22:42 + 2
Congratulations!!! serdce serdce serdce Success in your new achievements!!! solnce solnce :solnce
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2019-12-04 22:51 + 4
THANK you, ELIZABETH FOR the compliments and TENDER ROSES ( I love the combination of yellow and pink ) goodkisskisskissdrinkssolnce HUG YOU !!!gooddrinks
Need to relax a bit and finish the Achievement for the Yaks (and then pushed them into a corner,don't be offended )goodpodmig
nettaly 52  2019-12-04 23:16 + 3
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2019-12-04 23:51 + 2
Thank yougoodrosesolnce
mostanina 46  2019-12-05 00:04 + 4
Congratulations! tortcvetymusicthat's a Difficult achievement! A lot of work and patience required!star
a hamster-how happy!sobaka
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2019-12-05 02:08 + 2
q1w2 34  2019-12-05 02:41 + 3
Lena2020 48  2019-12-05 05:52 + 4
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2019-12-05 11:57 + 1
THANKS GIRLS FOR THE CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!goodkisskisskisssolncesolnce:solnce
Hamster still would have been glad,she's sitting on:#sofa in#home: and let's-go-arbeitenacute customize only there to help with the decisionpodmig I sidu Coin on the Mountain and Think:what is:--to sit still,to increase wealth or Sticker Welcome to Collect?podmig he wanted--the lack of Money usedpodmig a Sticker Welcome ---to Please Be !!!goodkisssolncededsnowsnowman
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