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Quebra-cabeça on-line «Water Lily»

2020-08-14 00:00:00

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Water Lily

Loading... Quebra-cabeça Water Lily
#flower   Áreas de cores sólidas: 4%


Quebra-cabeça «Lotus» Quebra-cabeça «Lotus» Quebra-cabeça «Flowers» Quebra-cabeça «Lyagushka na tsvetke» Quebra-cabeça «Reflection Lotus» Quebra-cabeça «Pink Lotus» Quebra-cabeça «Lotus» Quebra-cabeça «Lotuses» Quebra-cabeça «Lotosi v prudu» Quebra-cabeça «vodyanaya liliya» Quebra-cabeça «Lotus 1» Quebra-cabeça «Lotus flowers»

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Novos quebra-cabeças

mumof 42 Solver Rank
2020-08-14 17:31

Curta + 1     1
nettaly 52  2020-08-14 19:35 + 0
ludmila-nadoelo 35
2020-10-10 10:04
The water lily or lotus is called the queen of the pools. In ancient Egypt, there were two types of lotus - white and blue. The white lily was the heraldic plant of Upper Egypt. The color blue was considered - the color of sadness and belonged to the other world. The dead were decorated with wreaths of blue lilies. Flowers float to the surface of the water and open with the rising of the sun, the Egyptians, flowers bring the fiery god to the sky and give people a new day

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