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2020-07-30 00:00:00

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Lake view

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Scharmützelsee lake, Germany. By Christian Heller. #Germany #ChristianHeller #landscape   Áreas de cores sólidas: 0%


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Vovka. Solver Rank
2020-07-30 18:14
Предположительно, озеро Шармютцельзее (нем. Scharmützelsee), земля Бранденбург, Германия.

Фотограф Christian Heller

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nettaly  2020-07-30 19:09 + 4
Thank you, now complete. I guess you're right - the view is still familiar.
Vovka. Solver Rank  2020-07-30 19:46 + 4
the Author, for some reason, conceals the exact location on their photos, nothing else "spy"ignat This photo is signed "Laurentius", and the lake Scharm?tzelsee is a holiday complex with cottages "Schlosspark Bad Saarow," based on this I made the assumption, but I'm not sure.
nettaly  2020-07-30 20:17 + 5
Maybe lying to his wife that (like all normal men) sitting in the pub, although in reality the beauty zapechatlet? prikol
2020-07-30 22:30

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