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Quebra-cabeça on-line «The doughnuts in the glaze»

2020-06-14 00:00:00

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The doughnuts in the glaze

Loading... Quebra-cabeça The doughnuts in the glaze
#StillLife   Áreas de cores sólidas: 1%


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Novos quebra-cabeças

Tara 33 Solver Rank
2020-06-15 10:10

Curta + 1     1
nettaly 52  2020-06-15 10:54 + 0
nettaly 52
! #432686   2020-06-15 10:55
"chocolate with chili"

Yes, there is - in this series it is for me in the first place, the second - lemon-ginger, the third - raspberry-Chia:

Curta + 4     11
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2020-06-15 11:57 + 1
I like the Lindt chocolate lime,lemon-ginger,chili and other "a Priori" it often happens in portions and over time you can try different tastes kissklass
nettaly 52  2020-06-15 12:18 + 3
Lindt chili is much milder to taste, pepper practically is not audible - compared to the "Svitoch". From Lindt I like 99% :)
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