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Quebra-cabeça on-line «Horse in the meadow»

2018-10-30 00:00:00

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Horse in the meadow

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"Blue Horse" (1911) by Franz Marc (08.II.1880 - 04.III.1916). #FranzMarc #horse #painting   Áreas de cores sólidas: 1%


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Novos quebra-cabeças

2018-10-29 16:50
The copyright work - so specify that in the description.

the Famous German artist Franz Marc (08.II.1880 - 04.III.1916), a representative of expressionism; the Creator of the art Union "Blue rider" (1911).

the father of the landscape painter Wilhelm Marc (1839 - 1907).

Franz studied at the Munich Academy of arts (1900 - 1903), carefully studied the structure of animals which were embodied in the paintings. Trip to Paris (1903 and 1907) and introduction to French post-impressionism also contributed to the formation of his characteristic style.

Fought in the First world war;during the Verdun operation was seriously wounded and died at the age of just 36 years.

Curta + 0     3
20815ISKORKA Solver Rank  2018-10-30 12:59 + 0
Я указываю тех авторов которых знаю. Я не знала автора по этому не указала.
nettaly  2018-10-30 15:29 + 0
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20815ISKORKA Solver Rank  2018-10-30 19:54 + 0
Хорошо. Спасибо! drinks
2019-04-10 18:06

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