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Quebra-cabeça on-line «Lilies in a vase»

2020-01-24 00:00:00

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Lilies in a vase

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Tara 33 Solver Rank
2020-01-25 22:23

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Kbcrf 48 Solver Rank
2020-01-27 12:30
Lilies of the valley smell of the distant river,
the House of childhood, on the way in the summer.
lilies of the valley smell of thy spring,
the Tenderness of lips and tears of the dawn.
lilies of the valley smell of longing love,
Tart separation in the bloom of may.
Pearl of the sea in the palms of the foliage
White beads spring Paradise.
Klepov Elena.

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SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2020-01-27 13:06 + 4
Hello!goodsolnceWonderful poemsgoodcvetycvetycvety it Seems this year the lilies bloom in may:acute Weather changes in a few daysacute:the Winter with 1-2 inches of snow,the Autumn-Spring with puddles and rain,well,that is rusinovichi,I love to walk in puddles,like kids (we have that in common good ),but not jump on them ( on the wee pull podmig )
Well,in his Coffee?kofekofelimelimetort ( I think one is enough? )drinkssolnce
Kbcrf 48 Solver Rank  2020-01-27 13:44 + 4
Hello to you!crazyugarThank youcvetykissI don't know about spring solncesunbut we still have snow,again, almost every day knockssnowsnowman on the road constantly collapsepulemetmetlaAnd I love the rain toorainrainlightning in summer and in autumn,love to walk in rainy weather in the woods with dogssobakavertuha
Let's coffeekofekofetorttort,long time no drinkdrinkszuby
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mumof Online 42 Solver Rank
2020-06-12 19:01

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over989 47
2021-06-04 18:54

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kochuballa 30 Solver Rank
2023-09-28 16:27
Красивый букет. Спасибо!!!!balloon-1 Светлого мая привет.

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