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2020-02-20 19:12
Dear author of the puzzle, the puzzle is great (among others). I understand Your enthusiasm, but is it possible to give a more conventional name than sectorised? Moreover, the rules clearly spelled out: the Name of the puzzle should match what is drawn.
Curta 6 0
2020-02-20 19:13
since You took the addition of puzzles to the directory do not come up with adequate title? This is not the first (or even second) You add a puzzle without a name.
Pattern "Flight of fancy" Polish artist Jasnikowski Yaroslav (Jaroslaw Jasnikowski), written in 1976.
Curta 6 3
2020-02-20 19:19
Thanks Sakara, but I think that it is useless, I have to be honest that'll just kill . At my request, no one responded, and the editing is also not required every puzzle correct, it is disrespectful to all collecting puzzles.
2020-02-20 19:22
Polish artist Jaroslaw Jasnikowski
2020-02-20 19:26
disrespect for all.
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