Seen had been some kind of glitch. To the Ribbon hanging, what this crossword is moderating, but he's already in the directory
And in moderation, to find a similar issue that already has 100 % crossword
Curta 1 2
2020-03-17 17:38
Yaki with limited access were excluded from the list of duplicates. Regarding the availability in the catalog, all the crossword puzzles instantly adds after you click "publish". Only if the moderators vote against it, it will disappear from the directory. I.e. the principle of post-moderation as in the puzzle.
Отличный рисунок, Очень понравился. Спасибо автору за удовольствие!
Curta 2 0
2022-01-03 00:11
отличная работа
Curta 3 0
2025-03-05 17:30
Прекрасный ЯК! СПАСИБО!!!
Curta 1 0
2025-03-05 19:42
СПАСИБО!!! Красивая картинка и очень интересное решение.
Curta 0 0
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