Our ladle is a very important First tries bravely If you like it,nods. Everyone who wants to pours
Curta 5 0
2020-03-21 22:25
Curta 0 0
2020-03-25 21:21
Curta 0 0
2020-04-09 19:51
I don't even know who surprises me more: the authors of such Jacob or the moderators who approve of them.
Because of just such "arts" people may be disappointed in the resource and Yaks.
Curta 0 2
2020-04-09 20:38
And you ask this question to the site Admin, moderators do not solve anything.
2020-04-09 23:58
I voted "for," because it seems to me that such a large, but simple any - it is like a bridge between small and medium-sized yaks, so they also needed. After crosswords 10x10 very hard to solve average, in which parts and, respectively, the nuances of decisions. And of any type that allow you to get used to the new size, without complicating the solution. Then you can move on to more "delicate")
2020-04-17 20:53
Curta 0 0
2020-09-09 18:46
Curta 0 0
2020-09-09 18:47
Curta 0 0
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