I wonder why the Analyzer put three stars. Difficult, but not that "a-Ah, WHERE's the next move?!". Thanks published
Curta 3 3
2020-05-11 12:23
Glad to try. A person thinking more absolutely. Analyzer is only a small part of it. Anyway, there's the guy who deals with yaks 7-10 chassis selection faster computer
2020-05-11 16:17
It is difficult for me , well, I'm middling in the crosses. Five . Thank you.
2020-05-11 19:19
Three stars are not seen,can be solved quite easily,the missus already thinks me a complete Japanese.Thanks to the author for giving pleasure.flows:
2023-03-04 23:23
Гарна пташка
Curta 5 0
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