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Simple polyominoes

2019-12-06 04:33 anikina Etapas111 T104 B3 S8 G11  

Missão #568. A selection of simple puzzles \"Polyominoes\". The mission will help in the passage of the achievements of \"Universal solver\" and \"Master of puzzles\"

Curta + 11 Não gostei - 0

Situação: Você não faz parte desta missão
anikina 54
2019-12-06 05:51
111 collection of simple puzzles "Polyominoes". The mission will help in the passage of the achievements of the "Universal solver" and "puzzle Master".

Curta + 3     12
nettaly 52  2019-12-06 11:27 + 2
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2019-12-06 12:25 + 1
Mostrar todos os comentários
LauraMenshikova 54 Solver Rank
2019-12-06 20:04
Thanks to the author for, we can say, the trainer, and also for the very timely assistance in completing achievements!!! When the solution across not only flowers, but also delicious berries that keeps in shape. Thank you! rose

Curta + 2     1
anikina 54  2019-12-06 20:09 + 1
At the moment, the website only 485 puzzles "Polyominoes" and 27 of them are not decided by any one person. To close "Lord 2" we all miss the 15 puzzles. To reduce the shortage of these puzzles tonight I set up the mission - https://en.grandgames.net/missions/prostie_polimino
that consists of 111 simple puzzles polyominoes. The puzzles that were involved in the two previous missions, this mission has not been included.
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank
2019-12-11 17:09
On the motives of completed Missiongoodpodmigporukamkrutostar

I dream of is not the roar of the Cosmodrome.
And dreaming night I Polyominoespodmig
How I solve it ( just remember )
And,say--it's not Easy (for me )
But Here is the Final and gold in the pocketstar
Not Just fell Itacute
And my finger graced the Ring!goodpodmigvverh
And in it...a DIAMOND !!!kiss
--a GIFT !!!kiss SUPER !!!kiss IN!!!kiss

Thank you,Elizabeth,for the Mission, a Gift and Help!!!goodkisskisskissdrinkssolncededtortkofe

Curta + 4     2
anikina 54  2019-12-11 17:13 + 2
SDFGHJ, congratulations on the victory!!! rose rose rose rose rose
I'm Very glad that the mission is like!!! kiss kiss kiss haha haha haha drinks
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2019-12-11 17:20 + 2
Thank you for the Congratulationsporukam and now a break from Polyominoespodmig
anikina 54
2019-12-26 17:12
New year gift
the Solution of level 44 -

Curta + 5     3
Vovka 32  2019-12-26 17:54 + 3
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2019-12-26 18:31 + 4
Truly A Gift!!!goodhahapartykrutoWith this level as many cones stuffed already I wanted from Board layout to dovertuhastarwall,but then came to the aid of a Friend and tore the failures of the circle and then the mission went and brought some gold!goodkisssolncestardrinksroseroserose
nettaly 52  2019-12-26 18:36 + 4
anikina 54
2020-01-10 22:49
Thank you all for the last mission! rose rose rose
I Really hope that like a gift! vverh vverh vverh

Write about this, because the gifts ended. bad

Curta + 2     0
el-el 47 Solver Rank
2020-04-11 22:18
Very timely mission!

Curta + 3     0
vk52967316 31 Solver Rank
2021-11-14 01:59
Все. 44 этап никак решить не могу.

Curta + 3     3
anikina 54  2021-11-14 02:43 + 3
Посмотрите новогодний подарок - https://en.grandgames.net/post/380967
vk52967316 31 Solver Rank  2021-11-14 14:54 + 2
anikina 54  2021-11-14 15:12 + 2
Пожалуйста! big-rose
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