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Quebra-cabeça on-line «A flock of ducks»

2020-01-01 00:00:00

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A flock of ducks

Loading... Quebra-cabeça A flock of ducks
Terry Redlin #terryredlin   Áreas de cores sólidas: 2%


Quebra-cabeça «Life on the lake» Quebra-cabeça «Ducks» Quebra-cabeça «At the lake» Quebra-cabeça «The flight of birds» Quebra-cabeça «Ducks on ice» Quebra-cabeça «Duck» Quebra-cabeça «Duck family» Quebra-cabeça «Ducks» Quebra-cabeça «Duck» Quebra-cabeça «utki» Quebra-cabeça «Autumn on the farm» Quebra-cabeça «Ducks and reflection»

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Novos quebra-cabeças

vk53656327 27
2020-01-02 00:02
roseporukamI'm at the cottage in the pond wild ducks swim has not left yet

Curta + 5     0
gal4844345 27
2020-01-04 00:19

Curta + 0     0
Kbcrf 48 Solver Rank
2020-01-04 20:01
The smooth rustle, and a pointer froze sensitively
Oh, shot, just lucky again, not me.
night is falling over the lake and the ducks fly
grown Fat, duck in the autumn at a great price.
autumn Again, whirled carousel tunes.
to Hunt with the wind hitch a ride.
And I'll play if I'm still useful for something
And I will sing for you if I'm on something good.

I remember, long ago taught me my father and mother.
to Cure-to heal, to love,
to walk-so to Walk, shoot-so to shoot.
But the ducks are flying high,
Fly-so fly, I'll wave.

Rosenbaum Alexander

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