Profiles came to Europe from China and was initially called Chinese shadows. Was usually done in black on a white background or white on black. Quickly gained popularity due to low cost and speed of execution. Especially in the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries. This style of art became known as silhouettes. Artists appeared of silhouettes created the whole painting, and the ladies ' entertainment - just on the screen he cast a shadow and then painted over. The advent of photography killed the silhouettes. Crossword good and fully meets the requirements of art silhouettes. Thanks to the author
Curta 6 4
2020-08-03 21:18
"the Advent of photography killed the silhouettes"
Well, not to get killed, and now there are artists silhouette
Remember at the Simferopol airport in the 60-70 years was the man who cut out the profiles with scissors from black paper. Did in less than a minute, took 50 cents.
Curta 2 0
2020-08-04 22:49
Curta 1 0
2021-05-04 11:29
Curta 0 0
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