A happy Easter congratulations, want of Prosperity. Let my heart be warm, And in the house — happiness and goodness.
I Wish you prosperity, peace, the Trouble that passed by. was there always to family, Relatives, friends.
Curta 9 10
2020-04-19 08:48
2020-04-19 08:50
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2020-04-19 10:07
In good light and the feast of the Passover heartily wish that the family were all healthy, so there was always loyal and good friends, so that cases waiting for success and luck that life was full of happiness, hope, love and grace!
Christ is risen! A happy Easter! Let the house be a kindness. May not occur in bad weather, Love lives in the hearts always.
Let the sun warm hugs, Warmth and light-filled. May God protect you from all evil always, Let them not come to you trouble.
2020-04-19 12:07
2020-04-19 14:57
Happy Easter! All light and goodness!
2020-04-19 19:33
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