Super, brings back memories of long forgotten days!
Curta 0 0
2019-01-23 15:28
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2019-01-24 21:04
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2019-01-25 21:29
"Не нужны ни локоны до плеч, Ни большая шпага и ни шпоры — Лишь бы мушкетёр умел беречь Боевое званье мушкетёра....
Мушкетёр известен не плащём И не шпагой, острой, как иголка. Мушкетёры могут быть хоть в чём: В запылённых кедах и футболках..."(В.Крапивин)
Curta 4 0
2019-01-25 21:36
Lefff, YULI4EK, juliy37, brickshooter3, thanks a lot for the solution and comments, thanks to everyone who decided, I am pleased
Curta 0 0
2019-01-25 21:42
evg6404, thank you for your decision and excellent verses
A man is not adorned with a suit And not even polished shoes. Not an expensive refined perfume, Not marble in his huge kitchen ... A man is not adorned with a keychain, Twirling on a finger, from Cayenne ... Not a perfectly shaved temple And not underwear from Pierreczyk Cardin ... Not words adorn a man, Not gold "Rolex" on the wrist ... Not an invitation to "wave to the islands" ... Not in this, after all, the secret of great happiness ... The secret is in something else ... and intangible: In the warmth of embraces, breadth of the soul ... Everything is banal to genius here: More loyalty, less lies ...
Tasha Malinovskaya # poetry
Curta 5 0
2019-01-26 20:44
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2019-03-06 19:18
Прям красавец
Curta 0 0
2019-03-06 19:32
marisabel, спасибо Приятно, когда нравится
Curta 0 0
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