The horse, presumably, also budennovskaya? Bred in 1948 by crossing the don and English riding horses to meet the needs of the army; with the reduction of the role of cavalry in battle was used in sports.
Curta 2 2
2019-10-17 10:32
at the Rostov Hippodrome where I am in the school years was engaged in jumping, were mostly horses Budenny breed. and the horse under budenholzer breed Russian Empire
2019-10-17 11:57
Yeh, lucky you In my school equestrian club was on the other side of town and had no time for me to carry. And now, when I'm an adult and know how to go somewhere, the family strongly opposed, saying that a dangerous sport.
2022-04-29 22:30
Автор Красавчик,Спасибо...!!!!
Curta 1 2
2022-04-29 22:37
2022-04-30 02:26
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